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Products for





Permanent Color

Our color line is created with the best ingredients, carefully selected to protect the hair while giving amazing results and giving the most radiant and long lasting colors.

Semi-Permanent Color

Reconstructive mask that brings shine and color to the hair, thanks to its ingredients such as ginger and cocoa butter, it leaves a very soft hair.


Unlike other semi-permanent, in addition to provide color, it is an ammonia free moisturizing treatment for the hair.



bolsa decolorato+9 Frente.png

decolorato +9

Violet powder

Lifts up to 9 levels

15 to 45 min

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Blue powder

Lifts up to 8 levels

30 to 45 min

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White cream

Lifts up to 7 levels

60 min

decolorato in crema


Balancing pH acid treatment

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Lozione di Goji.png

Stabilizing lotion ideal after chemical processes. It decongests the skin and regulates the pH of the hair, eliminating the impurities and residues of alkaline treatments. It nourishes, gives brightness and leaves the hair easy to comb.


Cream with stabilizing and sealing action. Thanks to shea butter and goji extract, it stabilizes the pH of the hair strand and scalp skin after chemical processes, prolonging the brightness and duration of the color while also reducing the sensitivity of the skin.

Bond Builder

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It is formulated to protect the hair from chemical damage in the process of obtaining the desired color.

0.11 fl oz (3.5 ml) Additive-X UNO

per 1.7 oz (50 gr) of DYE.

0.2 fl oz (7 ml) Additive-X UNO per

1 oz (30 gr) of BLEACH.


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Professional Hair Treatments


Hair Care Treatments

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Hair lines & Products

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